Friday, 22 February 2013

Stable CyanogenMod 9.1 Available Now For Download

Although the developers of CyanogenMod now only care to the main Construction of CyanogenMod 10 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean based, they are still working on CM 9 continues and now released the Cyanogenmod stable version 9.1 on their servers for download.

The new CyanogenMod 9.1 brings a lot of bugfixes and optimizations to improve yourself, you want the CM9.1 further experience. Simply Tapp to come again, this is app provided for the use of NFC mobile payment via. This is here for us but in Europe Germany and totally

you will also need an NFC-enabled device if you wnat to use the SimplyTapp service. in accordance with to the devices section of SimplyTapp's website, the Galaxy Nexus, the Nexus S , and the Galaxy S II (presumably in all their various flavors) are the only Officially devices that support to NFC, though the post on CyanogenMod says it should work with any device CM9.1 that sports an NFC chip.

I also currently use CyanogenMod 9.0 Stable and am extremely satisfied. Once when I as a user of Samsung Galaxy S Android was waiting for the 2.3.6 official update, I hate to wait for e long time. And I must say, that my Samsung Galaxy S was never like it before! I have never regretted the move to the CM9.


cyanogenmod 9.1 stable version download

Of course I'm going on the same weekend now after my new Samsung Galaxy S CyanogenMod 9 installed, the file of the developers I get from here and also the gapps later one must of course still play once in a clean installation.