Sunday, 3 March 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 Update Delayed to October

Although the number leaks of the new firmwares for the Samsung Galaxy S with Android 4.1.1 is relatively high, Samsung still seems to work on the update. In order to deliver no unfinished update, the galaxy s3 jelly bean release date has been delayed. This has now been confirmed in the UK.

Samsung falls back into old habits? Now it has been confirmed that the Samsung GALAXY S 3 Android 4.1 Update delayed to October. Samsung wants the perfect Android 4.1 bring to the Galaxy S3 and therefore takes longer time to work on the update. On the one hand the right attitude from Samsung, on the other hand once again not good for the user.from google

For the Samsung Galaxy S3 in the last week have came the 5th Android 4.1 Test out firmwares. These made ​​from time to time a much better impression. In the last leaked Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 XXDLI5 firmware you maybe had the impression that the firmare will done quickly and also the official update might be release soon. time

Samsung has confirmed to CNET UK that the Android 4.1 update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be available as soon as possible to be in early October. Thus, it could be at least 3 weeks where the Galaxy S3 could with Android are powered 4.1. And even then, Samsung is still the first smartphone manufacturer to one of his mobile phone models with the Android 4.1 Update would provide.

Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean Update Is Delayed

galaxy s3 jelly bean update delayed

Then let's hope that Samsung sticks to its schedule and the Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 Update rolling out later than early October. But rather than a finished update then the dilemma with the Samsung Galaxy S2 Android 4.0 update, then you can say yes, went just all wrong. Therefore, we treat Samsung now again the three weeks working on Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 Update.